



      For people who want to immigrate quickly to Canada, the fastest way is to apply through Express Entry Program. This program is managed by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). It helps potential immigrants to easily come to Canada and become permanent resident.

      Express Entry Program has two categories: Federal Skilled Worker Program and Canadian Experience Class. The Federal Skilled Worker Program is for people who have a university degree and two years of work experience in one of Canada’s occupation categories. The Canadian Experience Class is for people who have at least one year of work experience in Canada with a valid job offer or an approved provincial nomination certificate.

      Applicants under Express Entry Program are required to take the Language Testing Assessment to demonstrate their ability in either English or French. Applicants should also meet other selection criteria, such as age, education, work experience and adaptability. IRCC will then rank and score their applications through its Comprehensive Ranking System, and successful applicants will be invited to apply for permanent residence.


      总而言之,Express Entry Program 是加拿大实施快速移民的最佳方式。 加拿大移民部门会通过综合评估系统(CRS)对申请人的移民申请进行评估,根据申请人的条件和综合排名,对通过审核的申请人发出移民邀请。 申请人需要满足一定的要求,如语言能力考试、年龄、教育背景、工作经验和适应性等,满足这些要求后才可以获得永久居留权。
